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The third Christmas Compilation has been finished on 4th Advent 2010!

The Story "Sort Grådig Tre" will be finised in March 2012!

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Sort Grådig Tre is the Main Project of ArachnoVobicA.
Within many years of musical influences and promo, demo projects and CD's, ArachnoVobicA (DeeAy MacFish) has found a goal to reach.
Sort Grådig Tre is norwegian and means "black greedy three/Drei gierige Schwarze" these are three black ravens in the storyline of "Sort Grådig Tre".

Album Review

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"En Jul Kvaden Drømmen III - Winterheart" has been finished.

Eightteen titles in german and english language sung and spoken. With an Intro, Outro and middlepart Instrumental Song like heard on his first and second Christmas CD.

Within his own written Arangements, this time he decides to rerecord two traditional german Christmassongs (Alle Jahre wieder, Morgen Kinder wirds was geben) and three formerly german titles have been recorded in english language.
Besides this, he tells some german Christmas Jokes.
Without those and the Instrumentals you will have seven new Christmassongs and three english versions of Nebelfelder/Fogpatches, Weißes Kleid/White Gown and Nur bei Nacht/Only by night.